Directed and Animated by Matthew Watkins. Produced by P. Nick Curran. Hat tip to Oskar Fischinger. (Germany-accessible video)
A.V. Club video directed by Leonardo Adrian Garcia. Edited by Dominic del Carmine. Camera operators: Kelsie Hardison, Ryan Natoli, Abe Zverow
Edited by Laird Jimenez for Alamo Drafthouse.
A.V. Club Undercover 2016.
Costarring Leah and Gabe Haberer. Director: Alex Rapine. Art direction: Grace Sloan. Much else: Jarod Taber. (Germany-accessible video)
Directed by Branan Edgens. Art direction by Kahn and Selesnick.
Featuring Sharon Van Etten!
We cannot show you the video for Breaking the Yearlings. Which is sad, because we really liked it.